Aquarium Life

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Did We Loose a Diver?

Well last week was a bit of a quiet week but today was really quite interesting. It was the first time that I could walk around and chat to visitors in any part of the aquarium ... my choice. So I was thinking ok ... I'll go to the coral reef section. Now to get there you walk past the Pacific tank ... which is our shark tank. As I walked past I looked into the tank and thought to myself what's going on ... I had never seen so much movement in the tank ... "Had they increased the circulation in the tank?" ... then I realized that it was feeding time at the shark tank ... it was really cool, I had only seen the feed from the top of the tank, not the bottom. I watched two piecies of fish drift to the bottom of the tank and three sharks go for them. Georgina (Sandtiger shark), Ashley (Nurse shark) and Jane (Brown Shark) all went for the same two fish now Ashley is like a small hoover so he got one. George missed the second one, but made a quick U-turn so she got the fish ... size really matters so George got it and since she is HUGE and much bigger than Jane. Sharks really are quite facinating to watch.

YEAH I did my first shark talk with a working mic so it was kewl. I spoke to Mario (one of the Aquarists) earlier the day so I knew that we would have some divers going into the shark tank during my talk, since they were going to give Bell, Ashley and Maz some food with iodine. So I started my talk and about in the half of the talk ... a mask comes drifting down on the left side of the tank ... so I'm thinking to myself ... while still talking .... that either someone lost a mask or we just lost a diver ... now everone is turning around and looking at me ... "uhmm I say someone seems to have lost a mask". I couldn't tell them what I was thinking as I had just told them that the divers go down into the tank regularly and have found the sharks to be quite docile and harmless even though the Browns are related to Great Whites ... some mothers I think would not have enjoyed the comment. Luckily the divers went in five minutes later so it was all good.

Well that is enough for now ... hopefully more next week when I have hopefully had some more sleep.

posted by Panthera at 9:47 PM


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